Sheesh, I really need to try to check back here more often. This is quite the thread.
On the whole Mideast conflict, I agree that it's not WWIII ... yet. But with all the conflicts already going on in such a small area of the world, the potential is worrisome. And wouldn't Iran and China just love to see that. Especially China. Maybe I'm too pessimistic, but I'll bet that within 20 years they'll be equal to the U.S. in power if not more so.
On the whole marriage debate, I completely agree that it shouldn't be restricted to just a man-woman thing. To have the government declare it so seems like a violation of the separation of church and state to me. But considering the reality of the political landscape at the moment, I think it would be best to first focus on giving civil unions all the same legal ramifications as marriages. Getting acceptance for single-sex marriage can happen at some time in the future when the states aren't so red.
Zolo wrote: But considering the reality of the political landscape at the moment, I think it would be best to first focus on giving civil unions all the same legal ramifications as marriages. Getting acceptance for single-sex marriage can happen at some time in the future when the states aren't so red.
The leaders on the Left who are gunning for the Gay Marriage rights are fucking idiots, and have not learned the great lesson of the Abortion controversy.
The Left is trying to win The Whole Package through the Courts when they can have Damn Near What They Want with ease in every legislature through Civil unions. The Left is desperately looking for a Roe-type case for Gay marriage, but they haven't stopped to think about the cost they will incur for doing so. Since Roe came down in the 70s, the Left has been absolutely destroyed politically for 25 years, because the abortion issue is such a huge mobilizer for Republican voters. Gay Marriage will do the exact same thing and has already cost Democrats one Presidency.
"We're family friendly. So long as your family sits around the hearth at night getting nostalgic about beastiality and honey-laced rimjobs." - Gilmore
Zolo wrote: But considering the reality of the political landscape at the moment, I think it would be best to first focus on giving civil unions all the same legal ramifications as marriages. Getting acceptance for single-sex marriage can happen at some time in the future when the states aren't so red.
The leaders on the Left who are gunning for the Gay Marriage rights are fucking idiots, and have not learned the great lesson of the Abortion controversy.
The Left is trying to win The Whole Package through the Courts when they can have Damn Near What They Want with ease in every legislature through Civil unions. The Left is desperately looking for a Roe-type case for Gay marriage, but they haven't stopped to think about the cost they will incur for doing so. Since Roe came down in the 70s, the Left has been absolutely destroyed politically for 25 years, because the abortion issue is such a huge mobilizer for Republican voters. Gay Marriage will do the exact same thing and has already cost Democrats one Presidency.
As long as I get the same legal benefits as everyone else, they can call it the Gay Giraffe Gangbang with Grape Jelly Union for all I care. 95% of the gay community would be thrilled to have unions, as is we don't have "wives" or "husbands" really... although once in a great while you'll hear the reference. Call it what you want, it doesn't matter too much. The meaning and symbolic joining that people may do at whatever kind of ceremony will at least be respected... as is "marriage" is almost negative. Maybe by pounding it out as marriage for X number of years, they think they can finally get the opposition to finally relent by allowing "unions".
But WW3... prolly not long off, not sure if it'll ever be though. Really you have all these governments and none of them dares use a nuke because they know it'll just make them target #1 by every nuclear warhead worldwide that opposes them. Sure North Korea could hit us with 2-3 bombs and slay millions, we can do the same thing and irradicate their entire country with more and more powerful nukes. I don't think any country in their right mind would really want that, just the crazy terrorists. It's them we need to worry about getting their hands on anything moreso than a stable working and generally okay government. North Korea, for all it's talk, is mostly just trying to wave its penis.
Where there is virtual man ass, there you shall find me.