Well, using a bot is another good offense to put on the list. No matter what you say, he got a bot to purposely scan the ah to grab transfers, that is the pure definition of douchbaggery. Honestly, in the old days they would cut off your hand for shit like that, instead I think nowadays a good glass of acid to the face is a reasonable substitute.
Last edited by Nerous on Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
My understanding of what he was doing runs as follows: Fire up the program Auctioneer, which scans massive amounts of auction house data to give you piles of filtered auction data, and allow you to compare auctions with the averages. A part of Auctioneer is Bottomscanner. When you activate Bottomscanner it looks for auctions than fit a certain criteria. THen, it opens a popup window with an auction that falls into those certain criteria, i.e. the item is listed for less than it vendors for, it's listed for cheaper than it's disenchanted materials auction for, or it's just plain listed much lower than the average listing price for that item. This box has Yes/No/Ignore buttons on it. The popup window reopens every time it finds a new deal, and goes away every time you click an answer.
This is an entirely legitimate program that gives you access to mountains of data, taking away a large part of the time sink that goes into making money on the AH, and allows you to maximise your profits if used properly.
Now, take Bottomscan and add to it an autoclicking macro that was made to keep you from going afk and getting auto-booted from battlegrounds...an autoclicker that's the bane of PVPers everywhere and is definitely against the EULA, while being pretty much undetectable. Now camp yourself on the cross faction auction house and set the bottomscan to refresh as quickly as possibly (6 seconds).
People list items for transfer for as little as 1 silver, bottomscan detects it as lower than the average price for the item, window opens under the carefully placed auto-clicking cursor, and someone just got robbed. Also, in Booty Bay, Riak was hiding behind some barrels in such a way that one would have to /tar Riak to know he was even there. As far as one couple he sniped knew, they were the only ones using the AH.
I've read that on smaller servers, people are making something like 900g per week, but based on Riak's whispers, I'd guess he could have been pulling down 900 a day. On Lothar there are three people botting in this fashion, and it's caused a fair uproar.
No one approves of this.
Re: Payndar's question - no one would mind this type of botting on the normal AH. They'de probably never even notice it. Rarely does anything on the regular AH get listed for 1/500th or 1/10,000th of it's market average.
"Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never really care for anything else thereafter." Ernest Hemingway
To say that noone approves of this is a stretch. I'm not exactly sure which "Unspoken code" he is violating. I'm not here to air out the past's dirty laundry, but it's very fair to say in order of hasson's 8 year history, there have been more shady shit to happen than this.
Monox wrote:To say that noone approves of this is a stretch. I'm not exactly sure which "Unspoken code" he is violating. I'm not here to air out the past's dirty laundry, but it's very fair to say in order of hasson's 8 year history, there have been more shady shit to happen than this.
I can honestly say Ive never used a bot or mod program to knowingly scam anyone, muchless a guildmate. And Im willing to bet money that 99% of the people who post here can say the same thing.
I cybered in /say with a male Tauren in front of the Orgrimmar bank. I also sent several explicit tells to several male Taurens asking for some yiff action. Does that count?
Only thing I ever botted for was fishing...I hated that shit. Yet Tauren looked like crap, especially in brown dress's. Only good thing I ever had going was tree shoulders and moose horns, needed Pirates....
"Evil Lord Mastermind of Cute Cuddly Fuzzy Bunnies"
Drehn -61 Druid --Dead to the World
Drakkalus -60 Warlock --Even Deader
Murrue -70 Mage --King of the Squishies!
Cynarin -70 Shaman -Worst Healer Ever!