/script local lastname = ChatEdit_GetLastTellTarget(DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox); TargetByName(lastname); if (UnitName("target") == lastname) then CastSpellByName("Mark of the Wild(Rank 7)") else UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage("Out of Range!",1,0,0,
copy that and paste it in a macro.... reply target ftw. Also change the buff to whatever you want =o
Reply target
- Assassin
- Posts: 766
- Joined: Fri Apr 30, 2004 1:28 am
- Main Character: Lianye
Also this mod *whispercast*, does the same thing. Only catch is you have ot get a certain tell. Like "Mark" or "AI" etc. You can also set it up to que ANY tell but that kinda sucks hehe.