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Blood Bowl season players
Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:01 pm
by Destruzzler
There is a new schedule so that everyone can play everyone else exactly one time. There are two divisions and at the end of the season the top two from each division will play each other. The winners of these games will then play each other in a championship bowl game. The schedules you received befores weeks 1 and 2 are identical so that the games you may or may not have already played will still count.
Week 1
Justin v Scott
Mark v Paul
Nathan v Juan
Shaun v JPC
Travis v Yo
Week 2
Justin v Paul
Mark v Juan
Nathan v JPC
Shaun v Yo
Travis v Scott
Week 3
Justin v Mark
Travis v Shaun
Nathan v Scott
JPC v Juan
Paul v Yo
Week 4
Justin v Nathan
Travis v Mark
Shaun v Scott
Paul v JPC
Juan v Yo
Week 5
Justin v Juan
Travis v Paul
Nathan v Shaun
Mark v Yo
JPC v Scott
Week 6
Justin v Shaun
Travis v Nathan
Mark v JPC
Scott v Yo
Juan v Paul
Week 7
Justin v Travis
Nathan v Paul
Mark v Shaun
JPC v Yo
Juan v Scott
Week 8
Justin v Yo
Travis v JPC
Nathan v Mark
Shaun v Juan
Paul v Scott
Week 9
Justin v JPC
Travis v Juan
Nathan v Yo
Mark v Scott
Shaun v Paul
If you notice any situation where you are playing the same person 2 weeks let me know. I am too lazy to double check myself.
Also if anyone is interested in playing in the next season try to get in 9 exhibition games to earn star player points so you will be caught up with everyone else in the league. I know Doug, Clayvis, and Halen are looking for people to get games against.
Re: Blood Bowl season players
Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:37 pm
by Kyle>>You
Why couldn't you assholes have done something like this when I stilled lived in Anderson?
mod-edit: Thread cleaned up. This post seemed like a valid gripe.
Re: Blood Bowl season players
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:54 pm
by Blargg Blaven
God hates gays?
Re: Blood Bowl season players
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:13 pm
by Yo
Re: Blood Bowl season players
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:50 pm
by Kyle>>You
Blargg Blaven wrote:God hates gays?
God also hates Jews, you Jesus-killer.
Re: Blood Bowl season players
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 7:33 am
by Destruzzler
As you will notice in the original post I talk about the players with the best records from each division playing each other in some sort of bowl game. I'm now posting the new official divisions...there may be some slight changes to the divisions you recieved initially.
Division A
Division B
I figure we have a day where we have the top two records from each division play each other and then the winners of those games play a SuperBloodBowl! If there is the need for a tie breaker to determine who will be playing in the division finals we will do something like add up total casualties and touchdowns your team had...So make sure you are keeping track.
Re: Blood Bowl season players
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:45 am
by Yo
Lets make it interesting and more like football.
Rank everybody at regular season end.
#1 from each division and 3 wildcards.
Number 1 vs Number 4
Number 2 vs Number 3.
Blood Bowl Cup winner gets some bonus for next season (Bloodweiser Girls every game?).
The bottom 6 players in the league play for the Toilet Bowl.
Game A: Number 5 vs Number 8.
Game B: Number 6 vs Number 7.
Number 9 and Number 10 get first round byes.
When you win, you're out and not a loser.
2nd Round
Number 9 vs winner Game A.
Number 10 vs winner Game B.
The Toilet Bowl Loser (Winner) gets some sort of bonus for being the shittiest player ever (Free Bribe every game?).
Re: Blood Bowl season players
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:17 am
by CoopCommando
I don't see any reason why you should get something extra the next season for winning the SuperBloodBowl. You already get to say you wiped the floor with everyone.
Re: Blood Bowl season players
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:26 am
by Yo
CoopCommando wrote:I don't see any reason why you should get something extra the next season for winning the SuperBloodBowl. You already get to say you wiped the floor with everyone.
Not really. I mean, look at the New York Giants.
Re: Blood Bowl season players
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:41 pm
by Blargg Blaven
Whats the point of playing post season if you dont get anything?
Re: Blood Bowl season players
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:04 pm
by Destruzzler
I like your idea Yo...I vote we give the winner of the superbloodbowl the choice of one trophy. These are the trophies that are in the rulebook itself, we can make up other ones.
The Yo Bowl - Team may always roll for knocked out players as if they had one inducement of Bloodweiser babes
The spike magazine trophy - Team may add 2 to their gate roll as long as they hold the trophy
Chaos Cup - D3 random players on the team may immediately take a mutation skill, hypnotic gaze, stab, or regeneration.
The Dungeonbowl - can induce wizards for 50k instead of 150k
The Blood Bowl - add 20k winnings for each match the team plays
Toilet Bowl - the Bribes inducement costs 50k
It also says in the rulebook that having a trophy also provides the team with a re-roll, this re-roll adds to the teams rating as normal.
Post your other suggestions for trophies here and I will update this post with them.
Re: Blood Bowl season players
Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:38 am
by CoopCommando
The Bandage Bowl - Your team gets an apothecary (even if your team can't take one or an extra one if they already have one)
The Weighted Coin Bowl - Your teams always gets to choose whether to kick or receive on the opening flip.
The Bloodiest Bowl-er - Give a random player on your team Mighty Blow or Claws.
The Bagel Bowl - You give an opposing team player a bagel before each drive. On a die roll of a one, they miss the drive.
Re: Blood Bowl season players
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 8:46 am
by Nishoba Evincar
We should make the bowl a random cup other wise everyone will take chaos ftw!
Re: Blood Bowl season players
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:14 am
by Aganim
I kinda agree. There should be a random way of deciding what cup the winner gets. That way they can't always just take the Chaos Cup.
Re: Blood Bowl season players
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 12:45 pm
by scmurray15
Sticky plz!
Then delete this post.