I Wish Blizzard Had Just Cum In My Mouth.
I Wish Blizzard Had Just Cum In My Mouth.
<p>I know that's a scary visual, but I feel it would've left a better taste in my mouth than patch 1.6 and its many, many bugs. Perhaps I'm an optimist, but I suppose I expect a patch to be delayed when game-breaking bugs are present and are being 'researched', some of which were just downright nutty. 100% resists on Songflower Serenades? Controllable sheep? Maybe I'll spare you some ranting and just cut to some amusing screenshots that make my point...</p><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/2005-07-26/Divine Stupidity.jpg' alt='Divine Stupidity.jpg' /></div><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/2005-07-26/Long Corpse Run.jpg' alt='Long Corpse Run.jpg' /></div><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/20 ... nknown.jpg' alt='Unknown.jpg' /></div><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/2005-07-26/Gilmore x40.jpg' alt='Gilmore x40.jpg' /><br />And yet with recent bugs, you *still* wouldn't have been able to summon inside MC.</div><p>Strange things like that were bad enough, but putting up with a completely wacky instance server has been icing on the cake. At least Monox found a solution to his experience of winding up in his own personal MC between crashes of the zone:</p><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/2005-07-26/Monox Trains MC.jpg' alt='Monox Trains MC.jpg' /></div><p>After retiring from a buggy instance and blowing off steam in Orgrimmar, we were lucky enough to speak with the Instance Server. We'd all had our differences, but we were able to make amends.</p><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/20 ... 6/Instance Server.jpg' alt='Instance Server.jpg' /><br />We forgive you!</div><p><hr /></p><p>Bugs and <b>instances that crash and break more than waves on a beach</b> aside, it's been a good few weeks. We've learned many lessons, and as always, I seek to pass them onto you. They say that to gain knowledge is nothing unless you take the time to teach it. This update's lesson comes to you on the subject of <u>communication</u>, and the importance of conveying your thoughts to others.</p><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/20 ... munication - Media.jpg' alt='Communication - Media.jpg' /></div><p>One of the first things to keep in mind is the media that you're working in. If you're trying to communicate through speech, paint a picture with your words for your audience. If text is your canvas, type carefully and accurately. Give them something that they can wrap their mind around. Even if you're talking about Dungeons and Dragons, you want to pick your words deliberately in order to woo your listeners.</p><p>Also, be sure your keyboard is free of dog slobber.</p><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/20 ... munication - Body Language.jpg' alt='Communication - Body Language.jpg' /></div><p>Not everything that you convey will be from your words. It is important to keep in mind the way that you present yourself, and to <strike>keep a tight fist</strike> be confident in your thoughts and speech. Body language is important, as is knowing vital pressure points.</p><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/20 ... munication - Trust.jpg' alt='Communication - Trust.jpg' /></div><p>This one is fairly concise: Know your audience, and be wise of what secrets you tell. No one wants to get caught speaking of so-and-so's rendezvous with certain morally loose goblins. (You think Smotts wears a cap with a feather in it because he's a pirate? The place got the name of <b>Booty Bay</b> for a reason, and it has nothing to do with buried treasure.)</p><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/20 ... munication - Teamwork.jpg' alt='Communication - Teamwork.jpg' /></div><p>This last bit of advice isn't quite something that can be taught, but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention its importance. Anticipation is key, and is something that can only be learned through practice. The more you interact with your peers, the more you'll learn their moves. We've gotten to the point where most of us know what another is doing without it ever having to be spoken. Oh yes.</p><p><hr /></p><p>Progress-wise, it's been a great couple of weeks. <strike>Geddon snuffed out like just another Firelord. Golemagg down on the first attempt. Sulfuron's hands traded in for some of that high-quality H2O from Duke Hydraxis.</strike> But eh, no one likes bragging =)</p><p>What follows is the only corpse shot I bothered to take (bor-ing), followed by random hilarity.</p><p><hr /></p><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/2005-07-26/Meh.jpg' alt='Meh.jpg' /></div><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/2005-07-26/Thugz 1.jpg' alt='Thugz 1.jpg' /></div><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/2005-07-26/Thugz 2.jpg' alt='Thugz 2.jpg' /></div><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/2005-07-26/Thugz 3.jpg' alt='Thugz 3.jpg' /><br />Don't worry: Thugz received reperations in the form of DKP, he knows we love him.</div><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/2005-07-26/Hurry Up Neil.jpg' alt='Hurry Up Neil.jpg' /></div><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/2005-07-26/Larval Acid.jpg' alt='Larval Acid.jpg' /></div><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/2005-07-26/Lem And Her Naughty Kitten.jpg' alt='Lem And Her Naughty Kitten.jpg' /></div><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/2005-07-26/Hello Beer - Later Pants.jpg' alt='Hello Beer - Later Pants.jpg' /></div><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/20 ... Condom.jpg' alt='Condom.jpg' /></div><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/20 ... onkey-Fire Pants.jpg' alt='Monkey-Fire Pants.jpg' /></div><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/2005-07-26/Willy Nilly.jpg' alt='Willy Nilly.jpg' /></div><div class='imageframe'><img src='http://orderofhasson.com/images/news/2005-07-26/Guild Chat.jpg' alt='Guild Chat.jpg' /></div><p><hr /></p><p>And with that, I wish you all a good night. I welcome anyone who wishes to join me this evening in praying for a patch day tomorrow. Amen.</p>
Last edited by Gilmore on Wed Nov 30, 2005 10:36 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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