Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:38 am
ABY = After the Battle of Yavin
It was one of the greatest tragedies to happen to the empire in several centuries. How was it possible for a single pilot with no real training to destroy the great Death Star. I feel that there is a lot of "Loose Change" concerning this incident. Here is some evidence for your consideration: http://www.websurdity.com/2007/02/28/un ... nside-job/
It was one of the greatest tragedies to happen to the empire in several centuries. How was it possible for a single pilot with no real training to destroy the great Death Star. I feel that there is a lot of "Loose Change" concerning this incident. Here is some evidence for your consideration: http://www.websurdity.com/2007/02/28/un ... nside-job/