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A song of ice and fire (A TON OF SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 2:01 pm
by Ves
So finally I made it through all 3 books only reading while Im at work. Holly fucking wow I'm pissed that book four isn't out. How the hell has it been 4 years and he still hasn't released the next book. He obviously didn't have a good plan for the series or they would have been coming out like gays in san fransisco.


Three times i dropped my book in amazment of the things that happened in the series. When Robb was killed, then like 2 pages later when Cat was killed. I was almost to tears. I know Robb hasn't had alot of book time since book 1, but hes still a stark. The way it looks now is that the Stark line is going to die out. Then finally the last jaw dropping moment was when Lysa admited to killing Jon Arryn. I WAS PISSED. That stupied bitch caused all these fucking problems over a childhood crush on Littlefinger. Almost makes you want to read the series over again with that new knowledge.

I really hope to god that Dany will get to westeros in a future book. Probably won't be until the last chapter of book 6 the way her chapters drag on. Question, Dany is supposed to have 3 treasons, so which treason was Mormont. He did it to return to his land (money), but he loved Dany (love). It never really said which one he was. Isn't it obvious that Dany is going to he the clear winner in the saga as well. I mean shes all freeing the slaves and all that goody good stuff. Now we have Arya and Tyrion going to the Free Cities, probably going to end up w/ Dany.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 3:05 pm
by Kyle>>You
Fuck the Starks, fuck Dany. All hail Stannis.

Seriously, I hope Dany and the remaining Starks get hunted down and killed by Patchface or something lame like that, my hatred is that deep.

Dany, Bran, Rickon, Cat, Sansa, and Robb are/were at the top of my list of characters I hate.

Plus, from rumors I've heard, Greyjoy > Dragons.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 3:22 pm
by Ves
Well Cat is now on the side of R'llor or however u spell the light gods name since he brought her back to life. Which brings up an intersting question. Whats the difference between R'llor and the Others if they can both bring people back to life.

Rickon needed to never be in the book period. A whiny 4 year old yea thats great. Sansa I hated, HATED after the first book cause of that shit she pulled telling on Ned to Cersi and getting him killed.

But who i really hated, I mean when i die i will still curse the character is Ygritte. OMFG say "You know nothing Jon Snow" ONE MORE FUCKING TIME PLS.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 4:02 pm
by Liltyger
I thought the 3rd book was the best, but there are so many characters and I only really care about 2. "You know nothing" is way better than "HODOR". I'm tired of anyone with the name Stark and back to a complaint I had earlier, when someone's legs are weak who would think to compare them to a penis and why would you if you are out of your teens?

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:12 am
by Kyle>>You
Hodor is jesus dude.

This picture tells all:

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:43 pm
by Liltyger
Kyle>>You wrote:Hodor is jesus dude.

I have to stop talking about literature with you now.

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 5:52 pm
by Kabol
If I remember correctly, Dany assumes she has seen all three treasons but one seemed out of place. Chances are she has one more to go. Chances are she will regain the/a throne in Westeros. Especially once her nephew joins up with her. Hell, being a Targaryen, she will probably marry him. See if you can guess which character is her nephew (allegedly).
when someone's legs are weak who would think to compare them to a penis and why would you if you are out of your teens?
Whose point of view was this written during? If it was Tyrion then I really don't understand why you are surprised by this. The guy has always been a pervert. Not every man in the story thinks the same way. You know, acting like an idiot around women or liking plump ankles.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 12:00 pm
by Liltyger
Don't even remember if it was a POV or just descriptive, but it was about Jaime. Just face the facts -he's a penis obsessed, baby tiger killer and steps should really be taken to keep him away from Sigfried and Roy.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 2:34 pm
by Payndar Circusdorf

They have no right to consume precious oxygen in his presence.


Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:12 pm
by Runesong
Good News!

Feast of Crows is out Nov 8th 2005! I too love this series and have been awaiting #4 for quite some time.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:51 pm
by Ves
Yes, but it is only half the book it was supposed to be.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:17 am
by Runesong
How do you know that? Granted I haven't been keeping up on what Martin has been up to but what about Feast of Crows have you heard?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:56 am
by Yo
don't forget, cat isn't dead

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:59 am
by Phelps McManus

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:27 pm
by Ves
Yo wrote:don't forget, cat isn't dead
Shes a freaking zombie, yippie.