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World War 3

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 9:00 am
by Kabol
It seems like all of the news agencies are making judicious use of the term for the current conflicts in the Middle East.

I understand the desire to see such a major event in your lifetime, especially by Americans who have such a good track record in "World" wars (and not so good records in other wars since then), but isn't it a bit early to start calling this WWIII?

Right now everything seems to be contained to the Middle East. Other than the U.S., I don't see any non-Middle Eastern countries poised to join (on the "other" side anyway).

North Korea is definitely something to worry about, and it may indeed trigger the next World War, but that hasn't happened yet. So, perhaps we could lay off the WWIII rhetoric until then.

I guess I would be interested to see how China attacking Taiwan would play out as well. Although China v U.S. would end badly for both parties (and probably not even come to military exchanges).

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 9:53 am
by Payndar Circusdorf
I see someone has been watching the Colbert Report.

I can forgive people like Newt Gingrich who made their WW III statements on Sunday morning before Israeli Prime Minister Olmert gave his speech to the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament) on Monday saying that they would not expand the scope of the fighting. At the time Newt and most of the people throwing out the WW III tag were doing so, they were looking at the very real possibility that Israel would bomb targets in Syria. If that happened, things would go to hell real quick because Iran might back Syria up.

As it stands now, however, Israel has no desire to invade Syria, and Syria has no desire to provoke them to do so because Israel would fucking erase the Syrian army from the map.

Two major things point me to think that this is good TV but not WW III:

1) The Arab League did not come out and denounce Israel and really sounds like they are tired of Hezbollah starting shit. This alone is not a silver lining, it's a fucking supernova of sunshine because it makes me believe that peace in the Middle East is actually possible once Iran gets removed from the equation eventually.

2) The horrible, baby-murdering and goat-worshipping Big Oil companies (and the oil futured traders) are not really worried (es evidenced by the price of oil), so I'm not expecting much.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 9:57 am
by Ves
Newt is just starting shit by throwing around a coined subject like WW3 to gain popularity. You do know he is going to try and run for president in the coming election?

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 11:15 am
by Hkat
I'm voting myself as a write in

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 12:09 pm
by Payndar Circusdorf
Ves wrote:Newt is just starting shit by throwing around a coined subject like WW3 to gain popularity. You do know he is going to try and run for president in the coming election?
Only if the Republican race is "wide open" at the end of 2007. I seriously doubt it will be "wide open", my guess is it will be a fight between McCain, Rudy, and Mitt Romney (who will get destroyed).

On current facts, I will be surprised if McCain doesn't win the nomination before the first primary vote is cast in the same way Bush beat him in 2000. Republicans, unlike Democrats, actually have competent leadership on the national level and get shit in order.

My prediction: McCain/Rudy ticket in '08 demolishes whatever Democrat runs.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:01 pm
by Gilmore
I pray for McCain to run again. I'd have voted for him in 2000 (if I were old enough) and if he'd won the ticket. Esquire magazine had a good cover story on him this month, if anyone's interested.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:41 pm
by Ves
IF (thats a big if, republicans do not like McCain) he does win the republican nomination I would vote for the first time. Since he is a canadite that I can actually vote for.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:21 pm
by Payndar Circusdorf
Ves wrote:IF (thats a big if, republicans do not like McCain) he does win the republican nomination I would vote for the first time. Since he is a canadite that I can actually vote for.
Republicans have no problem with McCain.

Arch-Conservatives don't like him because (I believe) he is pro-choice. But he is definitely good enough, especially since

A) He is politicking well to get the annointment I mentioned in my earlier post and
B) He is absolutely electable when running against any Democrat.

Edit: I forgot about the McCain-Feingold act. McCain has pissed off a lot of Conservative columnists with that (George Will, as much as I worship him, never shuts the fuck up about it) but I can overlook it.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 11:59 pm
by Ves
Here is some nice gallop poll stats:

Not to mention a very key topic that everyone worries too fucking much about for some dumb reason "same sex marriage." McCain is against an amentment to ban same sex marriage. ... .marriage/

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:25 am
by Nerous
Ves wrote:Here is some nice gallop poll stats:

Not to mention a very key topic that everyone worries too fucking much about for some dumb reason "same sex marriage." McCain is against an amentment to ban same sex marriage. ... .marriage/
Worries to fucking much about? You don't fear everyday that your lover will be in a accident and dying, and you can't go into to see him. You have no say or anything over the situation.

So, yeah i do fucking worry about it. This shouldn't be a issue, but it is. Until your relationship is seen as perverted/sickening/not as important as you breeder's relationship it should be a issue.

So don't even go there.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:43 am
by Yo
Maybe homos should push for legislation towards hospital visitation.
For some reason, I find it hard to believe that they are the only people worried about their lovers (Fiancees and long time relationships in hetero relationships)

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:51 am
by Nerous
That was only part of the issue... i am more worried about having a terri Schalvo thing go on if David was ever in that situation. As much as i love him i could never fathom seeing him hooked up to those machines with no hope ahead. I would have no say it what happened to him. His life would be in his families hand, and i would have no legal right to input my opinion.

Also, why is it that hetero's are allowed that tax right-off? This is more about my relationship being under that of hetero's. You guys take this shit for granted. I deal with it everyday. You don't have big brother trying to get into your bedroom. I do.

You guys can go out and hold hands with your gf/wife, while i have to worry about being dragged into a alley and killed becuase i showed affection.

I do believe i deserve the right to marry. Marriage isn't sacred anymore. A 50% divorce rate kills that notion. We have every right to be treated as equals.

edit: hetero's can get married in a hour and have those rights... i don't

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 1:05 am
by Ves
Nerous wrote:
Ves wrote:Here is some nice gallop poll stats:

Not to mention a very key topic that everyone worries too fucking much about for some dumb reason "same sex marriage." McCain is against an amentment to ban same sex marriage. ... .marriage/
Worries to fucking much about? You don't fear everyday that your lover will be in a accident and dying, and you can't go into to see him. You have no say or anything over the situation.

So, yeah i do fucking worry about it. This shouldn't be a issue, but it is. Until your relationship is seen as perverted/sickening/not as important as you breeder's relationship it should be a issue.

So don't even go there.
I think you misunderstood what I ment. I think people that worry that sactitiy of marrige will be hurt by allowing same sex marriage is bull shit. After haveing conservitive radio personalities say that if same sex marriage is allowed the world will end for a few years I think it is fair to say its fucking retarded to keep worrying about the topic. Just leave everyone the fuck alone.

I'm a republican but not a prick Nero.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 1:29 am
by Nerous
Ves wrote:
Nerous wrote:
Ves wrote:Here is some nice gallop poll stats:

Not to mention a very key topic that everyone worries too fucking much about for some dumb reason "same sex marriage." McCain is against an amentment to ban same sex marriage. ... .marriage/
Worries to fucking much about? You don't fear everyday that your lover will be in a accident and dying, and you can't go into to see him. You have no say or anything over the situation.

So, yeah i do fucking worry about it. This shouldn't be a issue, but it is. Until your relationship is seen as perverted/sickening/not as important as you breeder's relationship it should be a issue.

So don't even go there.
I think you misunderstood what I ment. I think people that worry that sactitiy of marrige will be hurt by allowing same sex marriage is bull shit. After haveing conservitive radio personalities say that if same sex marriage is allowed the world will end for a few years I think it is fair to say its fucking retarded to keep worrying about the topic. Just leave everyone the fuck alone.

I'm a republican but not a prick Nero.
i am sorry then ves... i took it out of complex =/

nowadays i am just to used to it... after a certain amount of time you start getting madder and more frustrated.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 1:31 am
by Yo
Nerous wrote:That was only part of the issue... i am more worried about having a terri Schalvo thing go on if David was ever in that situation. As much as i love him i could never fathom seeing him hooked up to those machines with no hope ahead. I would have no say it what happened to him. His life would be in his families hand, and i would have no legal right to input my opinion.

Can't you give this power to somebody else without marriage? What do chronically-ill people that hate their families do? I dunno much about law.
Nerous wrote: Also, why is it that hetero's are allowed that tax right-off? This is more about my relationship being under that of hetero's. You guys take this shit for granted. I deal with it everyday. You don't have big brother trying to get into your bedroom. I do.
I don't think many people get married just for a tax break.
I'm curious as to how big brother is trying to get in your bedroom everyday.
Nerous wrote: You guys can go out and hold hands with your gf/wife, while i have to worry about being dragged into a alley and killed becuase i showed affection.
I honestly don't think you have much to worry about in comparison to...I dunno? being female. They have to worry about being dragged into an alley, being raped and killed because they have a vagina.
Nerous wrote: I do believe i deserve the right to marry. Marriage isn't sacred anymore. A 50% divorce rate kills that notion. We have every right to be treated as equals.
I believe that civil unions should definitely be legalized and stand 100% behind that.
And I say civil unions, because gay marriage is liable to bring out religious fanatics, and I for one fear the religious fanatics.