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America (The Book):

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 3:51 am
by Gilmore
Who wouldn't expect a book penned by the Daily Show to be incredible? When it came out last year, I immediately picked up two copies. I gave one to my favorite teacher from high school (who was as big of a politics/history geek as I am), and kept one for myself. Re-reading it in my short supply of free time lately, I'm surprised at just how much I'm laughing even reading the same quips and jokes that I've read once before.

For anyone who hasn't checked it out yet, I definitely recommend it. It's written in a history book format, and that just adds to the humor. At the end of each chapter is a set of discussion questions, just like the books we had to endure in school. A sample list of the discussion questions from the end of the chapter on Congress and the legislative branch:
Discussion Questions:

1. If "con" is the opposite of "pro", then isn't Congress the opposite of progress? Or did we just fucking blow your mind?!?

2. What does "bicameral" mean? Are any of the girls in your class "bicameral?"

3. Which would you rather see getting made: sausage or laws?

4. In Star Wars: Episode II, Chancellor Palpatine convinces the Galactic Senate to grant him emergency powers in order to squelch the Seperatist movement's droid army, led by Count Dooku. But Palpatine ultimately abuses his authority, disbanding the Republic and appointing himself the lone ruler of a new Galactic Empire. Could it happen here?

5. How are you enjoying the book so far? Be honest.

6. Remember that old Schoolhouse Rock cartoon about the bill who sings a song about how he becomes a law? Hey, and what about the Snorks? Remember them?

Classroom Activities:

1. Take construction paper, trace your hand, and make a Turkey of Congress.

2. Ask your students to choreograph an interpretive dance or compose a tone poem that represents the spirit of their favorite piece of legislation currently under consideration by a Senate subcommitte.

3. Find out each representative's "porn name" by adding the name of the largest city in their district to the name of their state flower! (Example: Ben Chandler, D-KY = "Frankfurt Goldenrod")

4. Help the children make their own "mace"--the ebony and silver rod on the House rostrum symbolizing the authority of the House--out of paper towel rolls and elbow macaroni. Explain to the children they have just made useless representations of something that is itself useless and symbolic. Shame them.

5. Have fun with the gerrymander! On the right are five congressional districts in rural Texas that have experienced a sudden upswing in minority population. Using only three straight lines, can you re-draw the boundaries to consolidate white power in four of the five districts? If you can, please contact the office of Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX).
That's about it, would love to hear if anyone else has picked this up and enjoyed it.

- "The Columbus Scarlet Carnation"

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 6:43 am
by Rango
its probably acctualy more educational than the goverment book im using this year

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:35 am
by Ves
I got a copy of it for my birthday it is way more entertaining then any of the Micheal Moore books I used to get. Sad times those were.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:00 am
by Payndar Circusdorf
Rango wrote:its probably acctualy more educational than the goverment book im using this year
Certainly moreso than your English book.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:18 am
by Iamnameless
Want to read it...couldn't be arsed going out and getting myself a copy....mind you, I'm not even sure I'm officially supposed to care, being Canadian and all. :P

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:24 am
by Phelps McManus
2004 called an they want you to notice books when they are popular.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 3:24 pm
by Gilmore
Miss the part where I bought two copies the week they came out? Just re-reading it now, and figured I'd mention it for anyone who missed it at the time :P

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:06 pm
by Kabol
2004 called an they want you to notice books when they are popular.
1998 left a message and they want their joke back!

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:15 pm
by Zolo
Kabol wrote:
2004 called an they want you to notice books when they are popular.
1998 left a message and they want their joke back!
And after angrily hanging up the phone, 1998 resumed partying like it was 1999.