Stupid Tax
Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 9:37 am ... el_moore_2The liberal advocacy group is trying to counter the conservative campaign with mass mailings asking members to "pledge to bring their friends, relatives and neighbors" to "Fahrenheit 9/11" on opening night.
My first thought was that Moore just hit the jackpot. In a Passion-of-the-Christ-esque maneuver, he has hinged his ticket sales onto a public schism. Relatively speaking, for an indy film, his success may even be larger than Gibson's.
My next thought was that this success will, as sure as the day is long, pave the way for an onslaught of propaganda films. The bigger the controversy, the more film-makers/studios that will hope to cash in. Jesus alone can easily support a dozen more films, the 9-11/Bush/Iraq triad is not far behind. What is next? Abortion? Racism? So many possibilities.
Anyway, my final thought was that this wasn't worth getting angry about. I don't have to go watch this garbage. I don't need a "documentary" to tell me what's what in the world. In reality, this is just a tax on stupid people. Their money will go to support some carpetbagging independent filmmaker.