Orson Scott Card books...

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Orson Scott Card books...

Post by Mallaien »


I have read all the "Ender" books, even noticed there was talk about a movie on "Enders game" but that was back in 1999 and as I see it hasnt panned out. I know there are some of you that dont like all the books in this set, (Ves) but for the most part I think it start off good then other books "Xenocide", "Speaker", get deep into human nature vs Alien nature, but I thinks its still a good read.

Now I have started into the "The Memory of Earth" set, right now im on book 3. story sets its self 40 million years into the future. The race of humanity on a planet called harmony where peoples minds are controlled by a supercomputer orbiting the planet called by some "The Oversoul". This computer controlls the thought of the people by removing any thought that might lead to there ability to wage war on a large scale, but is getting weak as the story begins. The main route takes a list of charaters thru tribulations and eventually back to the planet earth. Earth has healed its self after a big war that made it inhabitable 40 million years in the past, and now its time to repopulate it. I thought book 1 starts off dry in the first chapters but if you get past all that its hard to put down.
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Further adventures of the Ender set....

Post by Mallaien »

A post on his Fourms Dated March 10th 2005....

Since I'm talking about this at book signings, it would be rude not to tell you folks right now. A couple of days ago I was sitting in the office of my publisher, Tom Doherty, talking about projects coming up, and it dawned on me that there's a book that I really want to write.

If you haven't read Shadow of the Giant, this is a mini-spoiler. But most people won't mind, so choose for yourself: At the end of Giant, there's one plot thread about a woman and her baby that go off on a colony ship. This is something I had never planned and when I sent her off, it was because I had in the back of my mind the possibility of writing more about her and her child.

What came to me in Tom Doherty's office was: She's going to be on a colony world after a time-dilated FTL voyage. Therefore it is quite possible that when Ender is done with his first colony experience (and has written The Hive Queen and The Hegemon), I could have him voyage first to that very same colony at about the time that this woman's child has come to adulthood.

I suggested this to Tom - another novel that actually features Ender when he's still young, before he met Jane, and WAY before Speaker for the Dead. (Of course Valentine is in it, too!) And this interesting character and her child have enormous potential for an interesting story involving Ender and Valentine.

Tom agreed, and this storyline will take the place of the planned Mazer Rackham novel. Not that I'll never write that one, but it will be postponed for now. In fact, I may even write this Ender novel before writing Shadows in Flight, the post-Children of the Mind novel that ties the Shadow and Speaker series together.

What I don't have is a title. The only rule is that it must have the name "Ender" in it. My first thought is: "Ender Voyaging." My most hated title so far is: "Ender: Spaceman!" There's such a fine line between good titles and hideous ones.

[ March 10, 2005, 12:57 AM: Message edited by: Orson Scott Card ]
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